Life Hack Week 1

Life Hack Week 1

I don't know about you, but I find that I never have "enough" time in a day. Well, I'm learning that my ability to plan can "create" more time. No, this isn't magic. It's logic. I have tried this time and time again. If I schedule nothing, the day seems to be wasted. But if I schedule, set notifications on my phone that reminds me that it is time to take action and use a dedicated workspace I get more done. 

The last one, knowing when to say "no", is a lot harder for me that the others. However, I am learning and practicing. One thing that helps me remember to say no is one question I ask myself when asked to do something. This question? Glad you asked. It is simple. "Does this (insert action, task, invite here) align with my priorities?" This is super simple IF you know what your priorities are!! And they can definitely change with the season of life. Right now my priorities are my family, my finances, and my health. If something takes these out of alignment, then I'm saying "no" to it. 

Good luck this new year! Look for another hack next Thursday!!

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